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Can You Throw Away Batteries in a Dumpster Rental?

What Can and Can’t Go in a Milwaukee DumpsterCan You Throw Away Batteries in a Dumpster Rental?

While renting a dumpster can be incredibly convenient for both commercial and residential clean-up jobs, you should be aware that not everything can be thrown away in a rental dumpster. They have certain restrictions due to environmental concerns, and the city of Milwaukee won’t permit certain types of materials in dumpster rentals.

Batteries are on a list of restricted items in Milwaukee, meaning they aren’t allowed to be thrown away in a dumpster. Some types of batteries not allowed in a dumpster rental include: 

  • Car/Automobile
  • Dry-cell
  • Re-chargeable
  • Phone
  • Tablet
  • GPS Navigation

Ordinary batteries made with materials such as alkaline, manganese, and carbon-zinc can be disposed of normally.

If you have batteries you need to throw away or recycle, get in touch with your Milwaukee-area recycling center to find the best way to dispose of them. You can also use Milwaukee Dumpster Rental’s specialized junk removal services to haul away any items that are otherwise restricted. Call us today at 414-550-2988 today to learn more.

Old Car Battery Disposal

Drop off your old car battery at your local recycling center or at any auto parts shop, such as AutoZone, Advanced Auto Parts, O’Reilly Auto Parts, or a similar store.

Phone or Tablet Battery Disposal

Take your old phone or tablet battery to a local electronic waste center, which are often found at local computer repair and supply stores. You can also find the recycling station closest to you at Call2Recycle.org.

Find your local recycling center here.

Have questions about what items can and can’t be thrown away in a dumpster? Contact Milwaukee Dumpster Rental today to learn more information.