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Can You Throw Away Medical Waste in a Dumpster?

What Can Go in a Milwaukee DumpsterCan You Throw Away Medical Waste in a Dumpster?

If you are renting a dumpster for the first time in the southeast Wisconsin area, you should be aware that not everything can be thrown away. Dumpster rentals have certain restrictions due to environmental concerns, and Wisconsin doesn’t permit certain types of materials in dumpster rentals.

Medical waste is on a list of restricted items in southeast Wisconsin, meaning they are not allowed to be thrown away in a dumpster. Some examples of medical waste not allowed in a dumpster rental include:

If you have medical waste and other hazardous materials you need to throw away, get in touch with your Milwaukee-area recycling center to find the best way to dispose of them. Professional junk removal services from Milwaukee Dumpster Rental will also pick up most restricted items and dispose of them properly - call us at 414-550-2988 for more information. 

The City of Milwaukee Office of Public Works

Phone: (414) 286-CITY

Drop Off Center Locations
North - 6660 N Industrial Road
South - 3879 W Lincoln Avenue

Summer Hours
Tuesday-Sunday 7AM – 3PM
Monday CLOSED 

Winter Hours
Tuesday-Saturday 7AM – 3PM
Sunday-Monday CLOSED

Live somewhere else in the southeastern Wisconsin area? Find your local recycling center here.